He knows the causes of many physical symptoms: Dr. Paul Lee has dedicated himself to functional dentistry
Temporomandibular disorder, or “TMD” for short, is a somewhat unwieldy term employed by dentists to describe a widespread functional disorder in the jaw area. The “TM” stands for “temporomandibular”, referring to the joints connecting the jawbone to the skull, and the “D” stands for “disorder”. And precisely here, in the jaw not functioning properly, is where the problem lies.
In patients diagnosed with TMD, the temporomandibular joints (TMJ, jaw joints), the mastication (chewing) muscles and the teeth no longer function in harmony. The result is an imbalance for which the body attempts to compensate. Depending on the individual’s constitution, this may be successful for a time. However, if the strain becomes too great, symptoms develop.
A frequently overlooked health issue
Our body is a complex, sophisticated system. Like a system of cogs, everything is interlinked. The different areas of the body are closely connected to each other, but this miracle of nature also has its downsides. “If there is a problem in one area, it often also has consequences for others. This can result in a variety of health issues,” said Dr. Paul Lee, dentist for functional dentistry at INTEGRA in Luxembourg. These can include headaches or joint pain, a drop in performance, tinnitus, vertebral blockages and intestinal issues. Dr. Lee continued: “Many patients have a veritable odyssey of appointments with specialists behind them before they find out about TMD and make their way to a dentist with real expertise in functional dentistry.”
The linchpin: how important is our jaw?
The temporomandibular joint (TMJ) is responsible for opening and closing the mouth as well as chewing and speech. We only pay closer attention to it when problems develop. If the joint is not functioning correctly, it can lead to a wide range of unpleasant symptoms extending far beyond the jaw/mouth region. The term temporomandibular disorder refers to a group of disorders affecting the TMJ and surrounding muscles. However, symptoms may also present throughout the body. It is estimated that around 80% of the population are affected, approximately half of whom to a degree which would require treatment (Source: ZMK – Zahnheilkunde Management Kultur).
Causes of TMD
The exact causes of TMD are often complex and very specific to the individual. No two cases are the same. A detailed medical history is essential for a reliable diagnosis and thus successful treatment. So how does TMD actually develop?
Some possible factors which can contribute to TMD are:
“Do I really suffer from TMD?” That’s not an easy question to answer. The symptoms of TMD can vary significantly and range from mild to severe. Common symptoms include:
TMD treatment aims to relieve symptoms and restore the function of the TMJ. The TMJ is a joint which can be regenerated. The following approach presents an optimal interdisciplinary treatment plan as employed at INTEGRA:
The end of treatment is reached once no more changes to the splint are identified without therapy by the physiotherapist/chiropractor, the patient has even support on the splint and their symptoms have decreased significantly.
Temporomandibular disorder may appear to be an inconspicuous health issue at first glance, but it can have considerable consequences on the patient’s quality of life. Individuals suffering from symptoms such as jaw pain, headaches or restricted jaw mobility should consult an interdisciplinary dentist with expertise in functional dentistry in order to obtain an accurate diagnosis and suitable treatment options. Proper care of the TMJ can contribute to relieving symptoms and preventing long-term health problems.